All About the Trip
Tijuana Ministry takes every precaution to assure the safety of travelers on the mission program.
Ministry leadership stays abreast of the current conditions in Mexico and checks regularly on
reports issues by the US Department of State.
We do not leave the compound except for scheduled events and programs.
We stay in groups when outside the compound.
The compound is enclosed and gated: 24-hr security provided. Cars also stay within the secure compound.
Communication via cell phones between sites, compound, limited wireless on compounds.
Each site has a local parish leader.
No 1-on-1 with teens | "Virtus" online class.
Men and Women sleep separately in dorms at sites.
Modern medical clinic within miles.
First Aid people and kits at each site and compounds. Emergency response instructions at each site.
The surrounding area is relative safe. No other groups who go to TJ have experienced any incidents of crime or violence.
How to Travel to Tijuana
Volunteers travel by car to Tijuana, leaving early in the morning, and arriving late afternoon to early evening in our destination in Tijuana.
Cars leave at the same time, around 6 am from the bay area. You can stop for meals and gas along the way. Then we first meet in San Diego at the Home Depot and all vehicles caravan in groups together across the border to our destination, which is around 10 miles south of the crossing.
If you have a vehicle and are willing to drive, please indicate this on your volunteer application.We always need drivers!We will provide Mexican car insurance coverage. Once in Tijuana, we do not need all of the vehicles to commute to/from sites and work areas, although we need some (usually trucks and SUV's) to transport workers to the build sites and program areas for mother's/children's programs. Please see Driver Information form on the site and Directions to Terrazas II in Tijuana.
A Typical Day
​5:00 am
6:00 am
7:15 am
7:30 am
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
11:30 am
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
3–6 pm
4:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
10:00 pm
10:30 pm
​Cooks: wake up and begin breakfast preparation
All volunteers wake up call
Construction teams Load up and drive to sites
Home sites: clean breakfast and begin to prepare lunches
Week 2 children, teens, Mothers programs set up for am session
Week 2 Morning Programs begin Monday – Thursday
Lunches and snacks delivered to job sites
Week 2 Morning Programs end
Noon Lunch, at T2 For site program staff.
Construction: continue building.
Week 2 Programs at T1 1:30 – 4:00 Monday – Thursday
Cooks: Prepare Dinner
Construction: Return back to compound, clean up for dinner
Dinner with everyone at Terrazas 2
Evening Gathering and Reflection
Teen curfew
Lights out
Where We Stay
​In Tijuana, We stay in an enclosed dormitory building on the grounds of a chapel. Men and women sleep on separate floors, there is an open floor plan and the dorms include bathrooms with hot showers. There are no beds, but some floor mats are provided (more info given at the orientation mtgs). You should bring a sleeping bag. We recommend you to also bring air mattresses and/or air mattress, if you wish.
The Chapel has Two 2 story dorms with bathrooms on each floor with 3-4 showers, sinks, and toilets. T1 is a second site for Children’s, Teen’s and Mother’s outreach programs during Week 2, has a 1 story building with kitchen area, chapel, classrooms, outdoor shaded tables. Both sites are enclosed and gated with 24/7 security.
Volunteer Options
Prior to Tijuana. You can volunteer in many ways, through fundraising, trip planning, organization and administration, as well as prayer and financial donations. And even if you are not able to travel to Tijuana, you can help us with local building efforts for the most poor and vulnerable, right here in the Bay Area.
Once in Tijuana. You can choose to work on any of these areas: Construction Projects, Mothers Outreach Program Children's Outreach Program, Teen Outreach Program, and general trip support (cooking, organizing, etc.) You can spend the entire week on one of these, or divide the time between as many as you are interested in.
Everyone gets a first day program assignment based on application interest. Participants can stay on one team or rotate during the week after the first few days
Help Wanted
Builders, plumbers, roofers, electricians.
Drivers with heavy duty trucks.
Teen Program Lead.
Helpers with the children’s & mother's programs.
Help with fundraisers.
Donations of building supplies and tools.
Anyone with a willing heart and willing hands.
Prayers for the ministry and the people we serve.
As travelers gain experience in the program, they are expected to take on leadership roles in the program. Some of the roles that require pre-trip planning or continuity each day are already assigned. Many of the roles can be changed on a daily basis and therefore you can start to find your favorites. Some may already know what they like and may choose to stay in one position for several days.
Check out the list of our leadership roles for both the programs and the entire mission